Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Kids Wall Art: Showcasing medals

We finally added the finishing touches to Sidney's wall art. I tell ya, trying to find time to drill holes in the wall, and put screws in to secure the hooks for her medals was next to impossible. But, we got'er done. #hallejuah #iphonephotosgonebad

I love this little nook for her. We can add to this space when needed. There is still space for more frames and I think a little lamp on the dresser may be nice in the future for reading or studying. #weregettingthere

What have you done with your kids medals? It's hard to find a spot for them, right?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weathered and worn, we need new cushions to sit on

We desperately need new patio seat cushions for our table setting. They are over two years old with severe weather and sun damage.  Our delay in purchasing new seat cushions is the patterns that are available. We just don't like any of them.

I found a website They have many different fabrics to choose from. I'm not completely crazy about any of them, but here are some of my favorites (stared).

Why are decisions like these so hard? It should be really simple right?

What are you updating outside?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Mommy Monday: Swim lessons

Swimming lessons are so important and lately I've been seeing a lot of news stories about the importance of learning to swim.

Therefore, we signed up Kennady for swimming lessons.

She was very excited to go swimming.  She wasn't too excited to meet her teacher or "learn" to swim. But, after a few lessons she was excited to go.

We'll be doing more swimming lessons later this summer and fall.

Do you remember your first swimming lessons?

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Green monster shake

My morning routine has been terrible lately.

Stop at Starbucks, order a grande decaf skinny vanilla latte. #atleastitsaskinny

Aaaaand order a lemon loaf, or a sugary scone, or maybe even a pumpkin bread. #sugarrush

Then around 10:00am I crash. Therefore, I have opted for a different breakfast, a Green Monster Smoothie.

First, I do not like protein shakes. I think they all taste like chalk, even the good expensive ones. Second, I was terrified to try this.

Amazingly it's really good and trust me, after reading numerous different recipes, you cannot taste the spinach. Seriously!


3 cups fresh spinach (NOT frozen)
4 cut strawberries
1/2 cut banana
1/2 C. Chobani strawberry greek yogurt
3-4 ice cubes

Cut strawberries and bananas and place in baggies and store in freezer overnight. Place spinach, strawberries, banana, greek yogurt, milk and ice cubes in blender. Blend until mixed together. You can add more milk to your desired consistency. I like it very milky.

What crazy looking shake to you make?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Mommy Monday: Summer camp

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Father's out there! We had a fabulous day packed with golf, camping and dropping our oldest child off at overnight basketball camp.

I'm so excited for her to have this amazing experience. It was so weird helping her set her room up in the ISU dorms. That brought back memories just being in a dorm room again.

I was a little jealous, reminiscing of my days at summer camp at Lake of the Woods. Two of the best summers I ever had as a kid.

What summer camps do you send your kids to?

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Adding green accents

I've been trying to add more and more green accents to our living room.  It started when we purchased the console table in our walkway here.

I ordered some moss balls online through Which is a very addictive site, by the way.

I can't say these were "cheap" for 12 6" moss balls. They are BIG none the less.

However, I did save money because what I originally wanted were $17.99 per decorative ball. That would have totaled over $215. So, I saved over 60%, and that's still a savings.

They really look happy and green and alive in the room.

I added some natural stick balls that I had already to add more texture to the basket.

It's the little things that make me happy. And slowly checking items off this room makes me happier.

What little decorations are you adding to your room that makes you happy?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tween girl room: the curtain debate

I made these curtains for our daughter's room almost two years ago.  I even dressed them up a bit with a no-sew ribbon trim.

But now I'm re-thinking it all.

I can't stand how insanely small the curtain rod is. I feel it needs a more dramatic look.  So, my interior decorator, Photoshop, is back again to help me like it did here.

I want to get a much thicker curtain rod and finials. I also want to make widen the curtains a little to the right and left of the window, ABOVE the arch.

Here is my Photoshoped idea:

I really think this will help her room and draw your eye up more.  Hmmm, now I'm re-thinking the artwork, it looks too small.

What have you done to transform your windows?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Mommy Monday: Kids Wall art

One step at a time we are getting closer and closer to having Sidney's room done.  I'm still searching for a bookcase and I think I'm going to break down and go to Target. It just needs to be complete, and why are bookcases so hard to find?

However, I did get her artwork hung on the wall. Although, it's still not complete. We need to hang her hooks so she can hang all her medals.

Here is how I did this and all the measurements were perfect and easy to hang without putting multiple holes in the wall for each frame.

I started by laying 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper on the floor and taping them all together.

Then, Sidney and I tried different picture frame compositions and the above was the winner.

Then, I traced the outer edge of each frame and measured where the nail should be.

I taped it to the wall and MOST IMPORTANTLY I used a level to make sure the frames were straight. After adjusting the paper I hammered the nails into the spots I marked.

Then I carefully took the paper off the wall and hung the pictures.

I'll try to do a full room reveal soon!

This is such a cute way to display your child's art.

How do you display their artwork?

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kids wall art

I have started on Sidney's room with her wall art featuring her wonderful drawings. 

I'm sorry to drag you along in this process. And I don't have a full reveal today either, but we're getting there.

To start we laid out paper on the floor and taped them together. We then tried many different options of frame compositions and the above was the winner.

I can explain more of my process when it is all up and complete.

How do you design your wall art collages?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June Goals

Recap of previous monthly goals:

I'm really looking forward to our June goals mainly because I have most of them done. I have been wanting to hang pictures in Sidney's room for a while. I just haven't had the time.  It is my goal to get it done this week.

June Goals:

  • Clean out kids backpacks and organize school supplies
  • Organize crafts in basement
  • Declutter kids cubbies
  • Prepare for 15 year wedding anniversary
  • Finally hang Sidney's kid art
May goals are done, done, done!


May Goals:

  • Call company to clean carpets (started)
  • Start outdoor uplighting on house (deferred until we start finishing the basement, hopefully this fall)
  • Create summer gear mini zone for towels, flip flops, sunscreen etc.
  • Buy Father's Day cards and gifts
Hope you are all enjoying your summer!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Mommy Monday: Surviving dance recital

Our daughter started dancing at age four. Her first dance recital was so stressful for me. First, because she was so little. Second, because a dance recital is mass chaos for a first timer.

Now that I'm more seasoned, it has gotten much easier.  So I thought I would share some tips for you newbies.

First and more important buy treats for every classmate of your child for recital.  It is best to bring them to your first performance and pass them out before they go on stage. This was something I knew nothing about and I was "that mom" that didn't have anything the first performance. DON'T. Forget. the. TREATS!

 I found these treats at the Target 'One Spot.' Yahoo!

The treats don't have to be fancy, but you can do some really cute ideas; nail polish, a flower, candy, picture frame or bracelets.

Other items that are essential are:
Hair spray
bobby pins
eye shadown applicators
WATER, WATER, WATER (it gets hot on stage and back stage)

Oh and don't forget to get your dancer flowers for after their performance!

Most important, don't stress out, it should be fun for you and your child.

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