Monday, June 3, 2013

Mommy Monday: Surviving dance recital

Our daughter started dancing at age four. Her first dance recital was so stressful for me. First, because she was so little. Second, because a dance recital is mass chaos for a first timer.

Now that I'm more seasoned, it has gotten much easier.  So I thought I would share some tips for you newbies.

First and more important buy treats for every classmate of your child for recital.  It is best to bring them to your first performance and pass them out before they go on stage. This was something I knew nothing about and I was "that mom" that didn't have anything the first performance. DON'T. Forget. the. TREATS!

 I found these treats at the Target 'One Spot.' Yahoo!

The treats don't have to be fancy, but you can do some really cute ideas; nail polish, a flower, candy, picture frame or bracelets.

Other items that are essential are:
Hair spray
bobby pins
eye shadown applicators
WATER, WATER, WATER (it gets hot on stage and back stage)

Oh and don't forget to get your dancer flowers for after their performance!

Most important, don't stress out, it should be fun for you and your child.

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  1. We had my daughter's first dance recital this weekend! It was not nearly as stressful as I am sure it could have been...she is still young. I was having flashbacks, though, to my dancing days. And let me tell you, THOSE were crazy.
    I owe my mother a big "you are the best" for all of the years she acted as a Dance Mom!

  2. Oh wow, I am looking forward to when Phoebe starts dancing. Never thought it would be stressful though. Good to know! I will remember the treats!!


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