Monday, June 17, 2013

Mommy Monday: Summer camp

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Father's out there! We had a fabulous day packed with golf, camping and dropping our oldest child off at overnight basketball camp.

I'm so excited for her to have this amazing experience. It was so weird helping her set her room up in the ISU dorms. That brought back memories just being in a dorm room again.

I was a little jealous, reminiscing of my days at summer camp at Lake of the Woods. Two of the best summers I ever had as a kid.

What summer camps do you send your kids to?

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  1. It must be so weird to drop your kid off at a college for camp! We used to do cheerleading camp at colleges and stay in the dorms which I never thought twice about, but now that I'm a mom I think it must seem kind of weird!

  2. Visiting and following from Mommy Mondays!

  3. I used to go to basketball camp too and AIG camp (or nerd camp as I call it now)! And ended up attending the college that most of the camps were held at =)


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