Monday, May 13, 2013

Mommy Monday: Mother's Day

Every Mother's Day we have a tradition, planting flowers. My mom drives out from Chicago and we spend the weekend making my outdoor spaces look pretty.

This year we had a packed weekend which included my brother-in-law graduating from Iowa State University.

Sidney and I at graduation.

My family is so amazing. They gave me Salmon Sperry Top-Siders for Mother's Day.

We went on a walk at a local park and took a break on a park swing. Here we all are swinging. L to R: my mom, Sidney, me, Sawyer, Josh and Kennady.

The kids made a beautiful dandelion bouquet for my mom and I.

We started a fairy garden.

My mom brings the best candy on the face of the Earth. Cora Lee Candies, english toffee.  Seriously people, it melts in your mouth and it's hard to stop eating it. YUM!

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  1. Sounds and looks like the perfect mother's day! Love your Sperries and that fairy garden is gorgeous - can't wait to see how it turned out! xxx

  2. Looks like you had a great day!! And I LOVE your Sperrys!! So cuuute! =)

    The Faithful & Frugal Fashionista


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