
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My interior decorator - Photoshop

I am a visual person, so much so, that I use Photoshop to decorate my house before I make purchases. I feel like I have to see it before I drive anywhere, purchase online, have something get the drift.

Our living room has been a difficult room for us to decorate.  It's a large room with a 20' ceiling, large windows and a fireplace (which you've seen in a previous post). It is also a walk way to our den, master bedroom and guest bathroom.

We recently gave the walls of our living room a fresh coat of paint. (we hired that out, it was too difficult to get 20' in the air with a ladder and a roller without hurting something) We went a little darker to help the room be more cozy.

As mentioned in previous posts, I always have an idea of what I want to do.  But is it always the right decision?

Enter personal interior decorator.

Renee: Dear Photoshop, Should I put a table, mirror and accessories on the wall under the stairs?

Photoshop: What do you think about this Renee?

Renee: Oh Photoshop, I love it! Thank you! Should we add a rug too?

Photoshop: Sure Renee, here are a couple options.

 Renee: Hmmm, Photoshop I wonder what these rugs would look like from a different angle.

Photoshop: Well I can do that too.

Thanks to Photoshop I now have some decisions to make and maybe some purchases too.

What techniques do you use to decorate?


  1. I am so happy to see that I am not the only one who has conversations with inanimate objects! :) Love it!

    Sadly, my decorating technique goes something like this:

    An area of my house needs "something"; not sure of what that something is, I stare at said area of my house for months, even years, dissatisfied with the blank, lifeless area staring back at me. I look at several options as I pass by them in stores, never knowing what will fit...this usually leads to more staring and frustration on my part.

    I find this to be ineffective, and I like your idea much better. I will have to give it a try!

  2. I am currently talking to our dining room walls and asking them what color I should paint them, so it happens a lot in our house!

    Give Photoshop a try and go shopping!

  3. I love this idea!!! So smart and I'm sure it saves you a lot of time/money by seeing what the room will look like before you buy! Awesome!
